Sunday, October 23, 2011

I’m so lucky to have a wonderful family in Puyo to visit every so often. I’ve written about them a lot. This weekend, my teacher friend, Natalie and I are visiting them.

I’ve written before about Sara, a young woman graduated from medical school in Cuba, wonderful person. We’re all really, really sad because Sara’s baby died in childbirth, strangled by the umbilical cord just a week ago. Sara and the baby boy were perfectly healthy through the whole nine months. Such a tragedy. Sara’s a doctor, graduated from Cuban University, some say the best in Latin America. She’ll have to do a year of rural health, to give back to the Ecuadorian government and then she’ll be able to be a doctor here in Ecuador or in her husband’s country of Cuba (which I doubt she’ll go back to), Sara is so devastated right now, and I can understand why. So much hope these nine months, all the preparation for a new baby. It’s a really hard time right now for her.

And the baby’s death comes right before the November holiday of Dia de los Difuntos. We made the typical Colada Morada purple thick hot drink with the family. I’d love for all you readers to be here with me, so I’ll try to describe the process of making the beverage, a tradition for all of Ecuador (and I think even in Peru and Bolivia): All the peeling of the fruits (pineapple, babaco, blackberry, blueberry), the purple flour (from purple corn), the spices (cinnamon, cloves), the sugar, the hot water. Simmering away over the open fire for hours and hours. Chatting about everything and nothing in particular, cumbia music playing in the background, So we had some happy moments, Sara was able to distract herself being with family, cooking and enjoying this hot drink.

In other, happier news, we’ve got Halloween coming up at school. Even though Ecuadorians don’t celebrate it, at my school we get to do the costumes, candy and Halloween stories. Fun! I’ve been teaching in the States where this holiday is kind of frowned upon. But I think it’s all in good fun, especially with 2nd grade boys who love this sort of thing J. There won’t be any pumpkin carving (hard to find here!) or caramel corn (unless a US mom brings it in) but I’m sure there will be plenty of little witches and ghosts. As for me, I’m not sure yet who I’ll be…perhaps Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus or Ms. Viola Swamp from Ms. Nelson is Missing.

Trick or Treat!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for Sara and her husband, and glad that you were able to offer some consolation by your presence.
