Monday, February 6, 2012

Just a Quick Update

Just a quick update!

Report cards are due soon…always a bit stressful writing personal comments for each and every student. But I got it done, so I feel good J

Visited my friends in Puyo this past weekend. I realize that I’m getting just a little bit older because it was Hector’s birthday. The party didn’t start till like 8:30PM. The music was SO LOUD, there was so much alcohol and I just wanted to go to sleep! The problem is…my little room in this tiny wooden house offers zero buffering from the noise of the party. I was so exhausted, though from a long week of teaching  my little 2nd graders that I slept, even through the drunkenness, the loud music, the party. I’m just content to visit with folks during the day and sleep at night! (just realizing things about myself that I’ve known for a while. The nighttime is not my most energetic state!) So, Puyo was fine, the family is good, it was nice to see them. But, I love my own space, my own routines, etc. So, I’m now in Banos, getting some planning for the next semester done, going for some beautiful hikes (I may even indulge in a massage, we’ll see!)

In other news…Carnaval is coming! This is like the last hurrah before Lent. Ecuadorians play “Carnaval” with water. Luckily it hasn’t started yet. I’m going to travel to the coast because we get 2 days off of school. Haven’t been there yet this time around, so that will be fun.

I’m really happy and life is good J Love you all!

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