Monday, August 8, 2011

Poverty and Happiness

Poverty and Happiness

Some scientific studies make you say, “duh!” For me, it was the study that came out between the relationship between income and happiness. Basically, the scientists found that people need a certain amount of money for happiness (to pay for food and other life necessities). But beyond that income level, more money does not equal more happiness.

Now, I don’t want to romanticize poverty, but I do think there is something to be said for having less stuff, for living simply so that others may simply live. Staying with Adrian’s family in Puyo for several days reinforces this study for me.

This family is poor…but happy.

They do not have internet in the house. Instead of sending emails to family members to say hello, they walk three hours and visit them.

There is no dishwasher. The kids splash water and play while taking time to hand wash each dish outside in the sun.

There is no washing machine. Two women spend hours scrubbing clothes, slapping them against the concrete slab, hashing out their frustrations and conversing about life.

There are no video games. Kids spend hours outside, climbing trees for fresh guavas and mandarin oranges, playing soccer, inventing their own games. After dinner, cards are brought out for hours of games.

There is no microwave, fridge and prepackaged food is expensive. Women shop for fresh ingredients daily. They spend hours preparing a huge midday meal where the entire family gathers. Naps are normal after a big meal. People are not sleep deprived.

There is one TV for the whole house. Everyone watches TV together. They discuss the news, or the soap opera or the cartoon programs. TV is a social occasion.

There is no alarm clock. Roosters will wake up starting at whatever hour they feel is appropriate (this does not make me happy!)

I think I will keep adding to the list as I experience more examples of simple living. Feel free to add some too!

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